Television (Humans and The Returned)- revision summary

Television context:


  • Enigma codes- set up in order to make the audience continue watching (Barthes- hermeneutic code) 
  • Serial= unfolds episode by episode
  • Self-contained narrative= complete story told within the episode, can technically watch them in any order
  • Unrestricted narrative= audience knows more than the characters within the world of the text
  • Restricted narrative= audience can only see narrative from the point of view of a character
  • Diagetic world= world in which the story takes place
  • Ownership- privately owned organisations e.g. ITV are often owned by media conglomerates, publicly owned media organisations run on a not for profit basis are designed to interest the general public not share holders
  • Funding- advertising spots= spaces in commercial breaks that are sold to advertisers, sponsorship bumper= short clip before or after programme showing name and logo
  • Marketing- trailers, viral marketing campaigns, posters, marketing stunts, websites, Q+A sessions 

  • Began in 2015
  • Originally broadcast on Channel 4 and aMC
  • Co-production between C4, commissioned by Kudos, distributed by Shine Ltd and aMC in the US
  • Based on the Swedish series 'Real Humans'
  • C4's highest rated drama since 1992
  • Channel 4- public service broadcaster, does not make a profit (Robin Hood model), funded through advertising and regulated by Ofcom 
Media language-
  • Expectations of the scientific-fi genre- panic, conflict, other worlds, robots, space, technology
  • Hybridity and intertextuality used to bring difference (Neale)-
  • Hawkins family linking to Stephen Hawking
  • 'Blade Runner' where synths become conscious, Niska reflects Pris the pleasure model
  • 'The Stepford Wives' domestic, beautiful, subservient robots to replace real woman 
  • Postmodernism (Baudrillard)- intertextuality, non-linear narrative, simulacra, hyperreality 
  • Narratology (Todorov)- 
  • equilibrium= family at home
  • disruption= Anita
  • recognition= Laura with Anita
  • equilibrium= narrative is episodic so doesn't return in first episode
  • non-linear narrative breaks theory
  • Structuralism (Levi-Strauss)- 
  • human vs nature
  • conscious vs unconscious 
  • family vs institution 
  • Gender performativity (Butler)- 'I hope she's pretty' dialogue, product, made to fulfil domestic chores, expectation of women, unwrapped, costume is bland, 'My primary user'
  • bell hooks- the only example of ethnicities other than white are in the casting for the synths
  • Van Zoonen- Anita is sexualised through her presentation as an object, Joe has sex with her later in the show, some gender stereotypes are broken through Leo and George being nurturing 
  • Kudos- commissioned by aMC and C4, made by Kudos productions, a UK based production company, apart of the Endemol Shine Group
  • Endemol Shine (part of a global conglomerate)- in 2015 the merger of Shine and Endemol came together to create Endemol Shine, company is co-owned by 21st Century Fox (50%) and Apollo Global Management (50%), in 2016 produced a total of 700 productions in 66 territories airing on 267 channels around the world
  • aMC- American Media Company, originally focused on movies
  • Examples of marketing- Regent street storefront, eBay page, Twitter, vans for series 2 sent out to collect malfunctioning synths, website, conventional adverts and trailers
  • Target audience- fans of genre, general TV, actors and actresses, all gender
  • Uses and gratifications model- identification= reality mirrors our own, female empowered characters, escapism= relaxation, entertainment 
  • Two step flow model- reviews on adverts/social media 
  • Enigmatic codes and devices- 'what ifs' create tension for episodic narrative
  • Ratings- Imbd 8.1 overall, nominated for four batas
  • Fandom (Jenkins)- fan fiction demonstrating textual poaching
  • Reception (Hall)- has been said to appear lifeless and lack drama (David Wiegand)

The Returned:

Media language-
  • Genre (Neale)- won international Emmy for best drama series, has elements of supernatural and horror, wikipedia has defined it as 'supernatural and drama', Imbd describe it as 'drama, fantasy and horror', Rotten Tomatoes 'mystery and suspense'
  • From a zombie genre we expect: someone being bitten, conflict, weapons, isolated settings, apocalypse, 
  • Breaks conventions through French Poetic realism which focuses on aesthetics and lyrical style, shots constructed with other-wordly purity from sense of impending doom, fatalistic- Victor's visions (Cassandra figure)
  • Narratology (Todorov)- 
  • equilibrium- parents in meeting
  • disruption- the dead returning
  • recognition- going back to their homes
  • resolution- Mr Costa setting fire to house? not entirely met
  • equilibrium- cyclical structure 
  • Structuralism (Levi-Strauss)- 
  • living vs dead
  • illusion vs reality
  • the 'truth' vs the perception of the truth
  • DVD cover analysis- blue and grey colour palette reflects drowning and zombies, Victor's red coat symbolises danger (Barthes), water/religious symbols reflecting the reborn, baptism, resurrection, Noah's Ark, direct gaze from the characters appears a visual direct mode of address making the audience feel uncomfortable reflecting themes of the show
  • bell hooks- only white people, Mr Costa burns white reflecting patriarchy 
  • Van Zoonen- most female characters are sexualised through sex itself (Lena, Lucy) but Simon is also sexualised, many male characters are efficient (Simon) but Camille is also efficient breaking typical gender stereotypes
  • Representation (Hall)- construction of the returned as other and migrants through Victor's lack of communication reflecting that these people would speak a different language, coming out the water, others fear them and they are not accepted 
  • Key facts- 26th November 2012 on Canal+, 9th June 2013 on Channel 4, 2 series both 8 episodes, based on French film 'They Came Back'
  • Canal+- French premium cable channel, founded in 1984, owned by Canal+ group as well as Vivendi SA
  • Vivendi- french multi media conglomerate, music, film, video hosting, vivendi ticketing
  • Channel 4- public service broadcaster, does not make a profit, funded through advertising, Robin Hood model
  • Facts and figures- 9.2 on Rotten Tomatoes, $14,29 million budget, was internationally distributed, funding from CEM (Creative Europe Media), filmed in Haute-Savoite and Annecy
  • aMC- American Media Company, originally focused on films
  • Marketing- trailer, website, facebook, twitter, soundtrack, poster, US spin off, book- October 2014, t-shirts 
  • How are audiences targeted?- love of supernatural/genre, marketing, not particularly for any class or gender, could argue aimed at males due to sexualised scenes and violence
  • Uses and gratifications- identification= mother's loss, Simon as a role model, escapism= supernatural
  • Enigmas- Victor, dam, Lucy's murder
  • Testimonials (DVD cover)- New York Post and Times Magazine, both well respected (two step flow model)
  • Social interaction (water cooler effect)- friends, social media
  • Cultural capitals- biblical references 
  • Reception theory (Hall)- may see resurrection as impossible or a good thing if religious or scientific, possible negotiated or oppositional 


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