Online Media (Zoella and Attitude)- revision summary

Online Media context:

Homepage conventions-

  • Logo= important for visual branding
  • Main navigation= e.g. menu bar
  • A carousel/slider= ways of presenting images in a slideshow format
  • Footer= information at the bottom of the page, usually includes contact details 
  • Search box= enables users to look for particular topics or articles 
  • Social media icons= provides links
  • Banner ads= adverts embedded in the webpage
Layout key terms-
  • Multimodality= combination of different semiotic modes, for example, language and music
  • Hyperlink= a word, phrase or image in an electronic document or webpage that the user can click on to navigate to a different part
  • Hypermodality= a term used to describe the way in which the link ages in online media products such as webpages 'go beyond the default conventions of traditional multi modal genres' 
  • Above the fold= immediately visible without scrolling (opposite of below the fold)
Types of vlog- 
  • Personal vlog= thoughts and experiences shared
  • Fashion and beauty vlogs= tutorials, hauls, reviews
  • Entertainment vlogs= e.g. comedy sketches 
  • Gaming vlogs= walk throughs or lets play videos 
Key representation term-
  • Symbolic annihilation= idea that the under representation of particular social groups works to maintain social inequalities by denying those groups of any meaningful presence, thereby rendering them silent or invisible 
Industry key terms-
  • Digital optimists= those who believe that the internet and digital technologies have had a positive impact on culture and society 
  • Microtargeting= a marketing strategy in which personal data is used to identify the particular interests of an individual or small group, enabling them to be targeted more effectively 
  • Data harvesting= the process of extracting large amounts of data from a website to use for other purposes 
  • Multi-channel networks= organisations that curate a large number of channels, offering creators support in areas such as video production 
  • Monetisation= the process by which a product or service is converted into a source of income 
  • Synergy= used to describe the cross production of products 
  • Convergence= processing through which different media industries and forms merge with one another or move closer together 
  • Transmedia storytelling= a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified experience 

Media language-
  • 'Time Out in a Treehouse' (video/thumbnail)- 
  • single camera edit filmed with Zoe's vlog camera 
  • best friend characterisation, unscripted narrative shown through casual discussion 
  • aspirational narrative due to lifestyle she is presenting as well as being a successful female 
  • 'Anxiety- The Update' (blogpost)-
  • amateur aesthetic through 'is that the saying?'
  • emotive language through repetition of 'missing out'
  • vernacular language (use of everyday language) through 'straight from the horses's mouth' 
  • narrative authenticity through 'and my last proper chat about it was 2012'
  • confessional narrative through 'it scared me to do it'
  • content constantly updated shown through date '11th October 2016'
  • Postmodernism (Baudrillard)- online is the ultimate simulacra, online vlogs have the drive for authenticity but can never be fully authentic as it is chosen what goes into them by gatekeeper, internet is hyperreal offering the best versions of everything 
  • Gauntlett's identity theory- idea of sharing media as stories is evident through her blog, by sharing personal stories online she is imposing meanings on the things her audience experiences in their own day to day lives, audience uses the narrative they see on her vlogs to frame their own experiences 
  • Hall's representation theory- key part is self-representation which Zoella does through being her own gatekeeper, fulfils female stereotype through makeup, fashion, pastel colours, comes across similarly to women's magazines, use of makeup arguably teaches young girls that they must wear it
  • Gilroy's postcolonial theory- all white people, unlike traditional media outlets she cannot cast other ethnicities, some may construct who they should surround themselves with from her videos, she is another white powerful figure in the media reinforcing colonial power
  • Butler's gender performativity theory- reinforces gender norms repeating them and reinforcing them in society 
  • Context- over 16.8 million followers, creates user generated content, has a multi-channel network, earns money through monetisation through pay per click (PPC) or cost per impression (CPI/CPM)
  • Hesmondhalgh's theory- horizontal integration through MCN, vertical integration through manager Dom at Gleam
  • Livingstone and Lunt's theory- Zoe tends to follow guidelines, CAP (Committee of Advertising Practicing) regulates Youtube
  • Target audience- 13-24 year olds, BC1C2 (youthful and energetic)
  • Interaction through comments, polls, social media
  • Collabs widen audience 
  • Jenkin's fandom theory- fans imitate Zoella creating a subculture, create content inspired by her, fan fiction (textual poaching)
  • Shirky's 'end of audience theory'- fan art and fan fiction, 'Scamella' scandal, The Sun article calling Zoe scandalous for posting a relatively innocent photo leading to #westandwithzoe


Media language-

  • Conventions of online magazine- high image to text ratio, lede intro (includes who, what and where for the article), white space, teaser headlines, list article/articles in bullet points, emotive language, foreground adverting, wraparound advertising, sponsored content 
  • Levi-Strauss theory of structuralism- focus on the LGBTQ+ community presents the idea of conflict, the community being the 'good' whilst those against it being the 'bad', forming the opposition 
  • Front cover- 'The Masculinity Issue'- dark background and pink title, bold title, central image breaks conventions through the use of a man wearing makeup and having painted nails, use of a celebrity- Jake Shears lead singer of Scissor Sisters
  • Zanzibar article- shows community around the world and the news, reflects how the magazine not only writes 'fun' articles but also hard hitting news, 'suspicion of being gay' presents how being gay is still seen as a 'bad' thing in other places in the world and can lead to imprisonment or death, the word 'catch' is also used dehumanising the men and reflecting the inhumane treatment, 'encouraged citizens to report people suspected of being gay' turns people against the community again reflect Levi-Strauss' theory, 'these men must be released immediately' is emotive language reflecting how the readers of the article are likely to feel for those going through this

    • Represents a whole different group of people that the mainstream usually avoid, arguably the way the community is constructed presents a stereotype of how you must look and act, this is reinforced by the lack of presentation in the mainstream media
    • Gauntlett's identity theory- 'Attitude' does not show straight forward ideas about identity, agrees that the media is now more diverse allowing readers to pick and choose their identity 
    • Butler's gender performativity theory- breaks conventions of gender norms reflecting how gender is a social construct 
    • Gilroy's post-colonial theory- presents people of colour and their struggles, their sexuality is presented as their minority rather than their ethnicity, reduces colonial power through the construction of a different 'other'
    • Does not produce mainstream content
    • Owned by Stream Publishing Limited
    • Sold worldwide as a physical magazine- the bullet pointed articles and teasers acts as snippets for the magazine, using the website as a marketing strategy for the product
    • Stars that have been included- Boy George, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Tom Daley, Prince William 
    • Former conservative party leader David Cameron has also appeared on the cover
    • Magazine is often themed incorporating reader's other interests 
    • Target audience-
    • male- factual writing style, high image to text ratio
    • 26-55- celebrity culture for this generation
    • ABC1- sponsorships, language is formal
    • reformer/aspirer- comments on social issues, aspirational feel
    • Interaction can occur through Facebook and Twitter, little interaction compared to Zoella, reflects how this is a company and not an individual 
    • Gerbner's cultivation theory- repeated exposure of views normalises the LGBTQ+ community in the media, the use of celebrities reinforces this, pushing this community into the mainstream spotlight 


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