Tzvetan Todorov's theory of narratology

Key terms for the theory:

Plot= the events that happen in a story
Narrative= the way the story is told
Ideology= a set of values or beliefs

What is the theory?
  • Todorov established a three part narrative that tended to occur in most texts:
  • 1) Equilibrium- everything is equal and balanced 
  • 2) Disequilibrium- something disrupts this balance and attempts are made to repair it
  • 3) New equilibrium- a happy ending (typically)
  • This structure can usually be applied to texts however sometimes it is subverted 
  • How does ideology tie in?
  • "all the characters’ actions can be presented as the product of some very simple and abstract rules; these rules in turn refer to the organising ideology of the work as a whole" - Todorov
  • It is important to consider the ideology being presented in the text, especially at the 'new equilibrium' stage of narrative 
So overall..?

The theory looks at the typical structure of a text and how the text moves from one stage to another


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