'End of audience' theory- Clay Shirky

Key terms for the theory:

Consumption= the act of using resources, goods or a service
Technological convergence= technology advancing, merging and integrating
Lolcat= cute caption + cute picture= viewer laughs
Prosumer= a producer-consumer or a technological proliferation and convergence has enabled consumers to be content producers too

What is the theory?
  • For the first time young audiences are watching less TV due to the fast, interactive media that they have become exposed to
  • The most important part of networking is our access to each other- social media allows us to be connected to each other
  • Social media allows us to not only share media but create it, the lack of quality in a lot of posts allows us to make it quickly and share it quickly as well, the fact that it is only popular for a short amount of time doesn't matter as the product took such a short amount of time to make
  • Shirky identifies this through the phrase "you can play this game too"
  • If you buy the means of consumption you also own the means of production
  • We have balanced the skill of sharing and consuming and connecting with one another 
  • Media has become a cheap and globally available took for online sharing 
So overall..?

Overall, the theory looks at how media has evolved to a fast and immediate network that allows us to create our own media as well as share what we see


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