Postcolonial theory- Paul Gilroy

Discourse= Discussion, debate, exchange of ideas.
Colonialism= Fully or partially controlling, occupying and exploiting another country.
Ethnocentricity= The belief that your ethnic group is superior.

In this Indiana Jones movie clip there are examples of binary opposites, hierarchy and ethnocentricity. The clip shows the binary opposite ( of the 'good guys' vs the 'bad guys'. In this example Indian Jones and those on his side are seen as the 'good guys', the 'bad guys' are those from the tribe who are of different ethnicity than Jones. While watching the clip we believe Jones to be the strongest as he is the hero of the film, this therefore creates the perception that those of the other ethnicity are weaker/ lower in hierarchy. This implies and creates the idea of ethnocentricity.

In this 'Wateraid' advert we see Claudia singing Sunshine on a Rainy day. The advert adheres to the theory as it shows African children and adults struggling for water, this creates the idea that they are lower off than those in countries like the UK. The advert challenges ethnocentricity as it doesn't show any ethnic groups as superior, through our conditioning of society we may believe this ethnicity group to be lower/ weaker however this advert contradicts that in showing Claudia and the others as strong and happy. This advert takes a much more positive and more upbeat tone than usual charity adverts through the use of positive semiotics ( for example the smiles and the sunshine. It shows what the money raised has done instead of what it will do, portraying a feeling of success instead of guilt.

 Another example is a private internal memo written by Lawrence Summers (the Chief economist at the World Bank). It was released 12th December 1991 and discusses pollution and 'dirty industries'. The memo in summary says that dumping toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable economically. That under populated countries have better air quality compared to countries like Los Angeles and Mexico City and the initial increments of pollution in these countries would be very low cost. And thirdly, that the demand for a clear environment is likely to have a high income, it discusses the idea that a one in a million change in the odds for prostate cancer will be much higher in a country where people are more healthy than a country where under five mortality if 200 per thousand. These three points show his argument of the World Bank encouraging migration of the dirty industries to LDCs. This links to the theory as it is seeing LDCs as less worthy than countries/ cities like Los Angeles/ EDCs. This links to the theory which suggests different ethnicities are treated as lower when we are all people and deserve to be treated the same.

Another example can be found in a newspaper front cover from the 13th December 2015. The headline 'PM 'caves in' on migrant benefits ban' links to the theory as it shows a group of people, majority of them different ethnicities to the majority of those in the UK, being treated as less worthy. Taking away their benefits puts a group of people at a lower disadvantage to those around them. It links to the 1900s when there was a wave of migration from places like the West Indies and the Caribbean to the UK to make up for the lack of people and places in jobs to fill because of the war. Despite calling themselves British due to the British Empire they were still treated as second class. The other headline 'Terror witness: You ain't no Muslim, bruv,- and nor am I' links to the stereotype of all terrorists being Muslim. This links to the theory as a whole faith is being stereotyped and being treated badly regardless that the large majority of Muslims are not terrorists.


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