'Adbusters' magazine- Website and social feeds


1. The website reinforces the brand identity of the magazine by continuing the house style used in the magazine. The minimalistic and dark theme matches the magazine itself. The website also includes example of spoof adverts used in their magazines which continues the themes they stand for and the messages they want to convey.

2. There is a clear house style portrayed on the website and magazine. The house style is minimalistic and uses a dark colour palette possibly to symbolise some of the dark themes that run throughout the magazine.

3. The website includes 'mind journeys' which encourage the reader to consider different topics. Some of these journeys includes music, interaction and videos that would not be available in a print copy of the magazine. On the homepage of the website there is also a 'video of the week' for readers which also wouldn't be available in the print copy.

4. The website allows the magazine to extend their brand by including a donate tab which allows the reader to donate to the magazine as it is ad-free. The website also includes a tab for campaigns which encourages the reader to take part in their fight for themes they are against. It allows the content the audience read to be taken away from the website and magazine to be used/ continued in everyday life. They also include their blackspot shoes and encourage the reader to purchase these in the fight against capitalism.

5. The website includes a clear message of 'f*ck Facebook' however do include social media hyperlinks at the bottom of the page for: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. They may believe that using these platforms to promote their values is acceptable. The use of social media also allows the magazine to promote what they are doing and making.

6. Readers can interact through the website with the 'video of the week section' as well as the hyperlinks for their social media. There is also the 'mind journey's section of the website which requires the audience to click through it, creating interaction with the reader.

Write three paragraphs explaining why it is important for print magazine publishers to have an online presence, giving specific examples from your non-mainstream magazine.

Firstly, one reason why it is important for print magazine publishers to have an online presence is that it allows the company to produce more content. In print based products the company are restricted to what they can do. One reason for this is because they are only able to include content that can work in a print based format, for example they can't include any videos or links. Another reason is that they have to be time sensitive. The Adbusters magazine is released every two months. Any information that is valid between the printing of the copies can not be included as it will be irrelevant when the copies are published. One example of an advantage to producing more content is that it can create more interaction between the reader and the producer, offering a closer and more intimate bond. This bond will encourage the reader to agree with the values and opinions the magazine is giving out and encourage them to purchase future copies. An example of this interaction can be shown on the 'mind journeys' tab on the Adbusters website. While leading the reader through an idea or concept the website requires them to click in different directions, links and videos. This makes the experience more personal and enjoyable for the audience. Another advantage to having a online presence and producing more content is that the company can include ways for their readers to come together and make a difference. The Adbusters website includes a tab for campaigns which are ways for their readers to also promote their values and opinions. Some of these campaigns include hashtags, for example #BlackPoppy and #Buy Nothing Day. These hashtags would not work in print copies of the product, having a online presence allows Adbusters to promote them and their work.

Furthermore, another reason why it is important for print magazine publishers to have an online presence is that it can allow them to reinforce their house style. The brand identity of a magazine is important in creating a name and presence, it is something that will be recognised and familiar to readers, encouraging them to continue reading. The house style is crucial in creating a brand identity as it allows the producers to create a familiar and similar sense and aesthetic throughout all their copies of the magazine. For example, the house style for Adbusters includes a minimalistic design and dark colours. Having a online presence allows the company to continue their house style and brand identity, further reinforcing it into the minds of their readers.

Moreover, another reason why it is important for print magazine publishers to have a online presence is that it allows their to further promote their product. One way of doing this is through social media. Although Adbusters are firmly against websites such as Facebook they do include links to their social media on their page. Social medias can be used to further promote the magazine to people who have not heard of it. It also, once again, allows the company to continue to reinforce their brand identity and house style. Another way companies can use their online presence to further promote their product is that it can allow readers to get a sense of the magazine and their content without purchasing the product. As the Adbusters magazine is against capitalism they don't include any adverts in their magazines and their website except for subscribing to their magazine and to purchase their 'blackspot' shoes which are friendly to the environment, this means to purchase their magazine is more expensive than the usual mainstream magazine, coming in at around $30 for a online copy and $65 for a physical one. The price may deter some from purchasing the magazine if they are unsure if it's worth the money. Having a online presence allows potential readers to grow a understanding of the magazine and decide if they want to purchase it. Further promoting their product will encourage more readers and attention to the values and opinions the magazine wants to convey. 


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