'Woman' magazine- Kitchen article analysis

The entire article is set across a  double spread the title of the article is in large font in red writing helping it stand out. as opposed to the  majority of the articles in this magazine this is in colour which would allow it to stand out within the magazine. The article itself being about having a great kitchen in a woman's magazine is very sexist and prototypical of the time in which a man would be out working while a woman would stay at home in the kitchen most of the time as they were seen as inferior and served the men around  the world. the article mostly consists of images with small amounts of writing about "the seven star tips for your kitchen" which will improve your kitchen and be money saving. the images are mostly stills and wide angle shots of various kitchens meant to suggest these are really nice kitchens and you want your kitchen to look like this, however two photos contain people in them one shows a grown woman smiling at her new sink while the other shows an adolescent girl and a young boy in the kitchen preparing a meal the boy looks very distressed and like he doesn't want to be in the kitchen while the girl looks happy about this this is again stereotypical of the time as girls were brought up believing that they were meant to be in the kitchen whereas boys were raised to be working citizens. On top of this some of the text can be interpreted as sexist language for instance when describing a sink it states that "It's so easy any girl can assemble it" this is can be interpreted as meaning that all women are dumb and need men to help follow instructions when assembling pieces of equipment such as a sink.

All prices on the magazines article are fairly cheap ranging from under 10 shillings to 20 pounds with the average wage of the time being around 10 shillings an hour this sets a very nice target audience for the magazine.


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