'Woman' magazine- 'Extra special on men' article analysis

Extra Special on men

Layout and design:

The layout of the article is well spread out with and easy to read. It’s about men and the latest trends they follow. It informs the women, usually the wife or girlfriend on what the men are doing to look good for example the barbers, dress code and “give away for guys”. It has a good mix of images and text, with an image to go with each bit of written text which makes it more eye catching and easier to read, This creates the effect that its more laid back which makes it more appealing to a wider range of women.

Font size, type and colour:

There are a range of different fonts which makes it more eye catching and intriguing to read. The colour doesn’t change as the article is in black and white.

Images and photographs:

There is a mix between photos and cartoons which makes the advert more interesting to look at. The image of the woman with her foot on the man changes the roles around and goes against Van Zoonens idea of male domination as it makes the woman look more powerful as the man looks annoyed/angry that the woman has power over him where as in other articles or adverts in the magazine the woman is happy to be objectified and over powered.

Text: “getting to know them”

This section of text starts with a quote from the comedian Norman Vaughan which says, “When a girl wants to find out whether her boyfriend really cares, all she has to do is eavesdrop on his convocation with other men”. It suggests that women need to listen to their boyfriends and that they are paranoid a lot of the time and gives the women tips and ideas to see if the man is happy in the relationship still.

Language: “keep it under your hat”

There is a lot of rhetorical questions that make women question themselves and their men, this article gives advice to women on how to mother their man and dress them correctly with the trends. There is an article about men dying their hair and it ends with, “could it be that the blighters don’t want pals to find out that those distinguished grey temples aren’t really their own?

“Dig Him”:

Another example of a rhetorical question is “like the looks of autumn’s Mr. Average?” This shows the women the latest trends for men giving them an insight to make them think they like it because it’s what everyone is wearing and want to buy it for their Husband/ Boyfriend.


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