The main features of newspaper front covers

There are 11 main features that could appear on a newspaper front cover.
They are:
  • The masthead- The name of the newspaper
  • The headline
  • The plug/puff- Other news stories that aren't relevant to the headline story
  • The strapline- The line above or below the main headline that expands on it
  • A standfirst- A small piece of text to introduce the story and says how it 'continues inside'
  • A pull quote- A quote from one of main people from that story/article
  • Subheadings
  • The central image
  • The jumpline- A line that teases the reader and makes them want to buy the paper to get all the information
  • A standalone- A separate story/image
  • A splash- When the whole page is one story/article

Image result for daily mirror front cover brexit

On this example:
  • The masthead- 'Daily Mirror'
  • The headline- 'So what the hell happens now?'
  • The central image- The picture of David Cameron and his wife
  • The standfirst/jumpline- 'Inside: Full coverage and analysis of the day that shook the world'
  • Strapline- 'Day one of Brexit Britain'
Image result for the times front cover

On this example:
  • The masthead- 'The Times'
  • Headline- 'Brexit for Britain'
  • The plug/puff- 'News special, Full reports and analysis from an historic night'
  • Strapline- 'Cameron and Corbyn face calls to quit'
  • Central image- Nigel Farage
  • A standalone- The stories along the bottom of the cover
  • A standfirst- 'Inside today'
  • Subheadings- 'Gun control revolt', 'Tesco turnaround', 'BHS Bahamas flights'  


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