David Gauntlett- theory

David Gauntlett was born on March 15th 1971 and is a British sociologist and media theorist. He is now a Professor of Creativity and Design, and Director of research at Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design, University of Westminster, UK. He has written/edited 13 books.

David Gauntlett created the 'identity theory' which is about media, gender and identity. It explains how before the internet people created their self identity through different kinds of media and other ways they selected whilst now we create our self identity through our instagrams and other social medias. In 1959 Carl Rogers explained how online we create our ideal selves and how we appear online isn't very realistic. The media also presents very specific ideals about gender. Over time the stereotypes have got better however there is still a lot about how each gender should act/dress etc. Even today, the media doesn't portray each gender, sexuality, race equally.

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