Roland Barthes 5 code theory

Roland Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist, critic and semiotician. He was born in November 1912 and died March 1980.

One theory Roland Barthes created was the five code narrative theory. The theory consists of five codes that allow/ help the watcher to understand and create meanings about the media text.

The codes are:

1. The Hermeneutic code-The way the story avoids telling the whole truth to drop clues and add mystery to the story.

2. The Enigma/Proairetic code-The way tension is built to have the audience guessing what will happen next.

3. The Semantic code-This code refers to parts within the text that can give a different connotation or meaning.

4. The Symbolic code- This code is about showing symbolism within the text, it can show contrast, greater meaning and create tension.

5. The Cultural code- Looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, morality or ideology which gives more meaning to the text.


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