Feminist theories

Liesbet van Zoonen-
  • Born May 1959
  • Has written two books
  • Believes the idea that women's bodies are displayed as objects to be looked at.
  • The idea that in mainstream culture the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the male body as spectacle differ from those used to objectify the female body.
Laura Mulvey- 
  • In 1975 said 'The Male gaze:The female body is objectified in order to provide erotic pleasure for the male viewer.'
bell hooks-
  • Born September 1952
  • Has wrote many books
  • Believes the idea that even though women are below men in power and society, within the group of 'women' there are more groups and a sense of hierarchy. 
  • Believes that race and class as well as sex determine the extent of how a woman is treated.


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