John Oliver HBO- Journalism

In class today we watched a video about the media industry and how the newspaper industry is struggling.

Watch the video here:

The video describes what will happen if newspapers die out and how important newspapers actually are. Currently, we get most of our news off of social media, this means most people don't go out to purchased a newspaper when we have the information already sitting on our phones, laptop etc.

In the video we see the struggle for journalists where they have to choose between writing content that they think is important and what they think will sell. An example of this from the video is a article about a raccoon that could be a cat or a cat that could be a raccoon, this is a perfect example of something that isn't important or vital for us to know but we are still intrigued and curious. The video also talks about newspapers changing their branding/image to share more of their content online and become more like a social media to try and get more readers. Finally the video talks about newspapers beginning to use more adverts to try and pay for the newspaper however there is still massive losses.

Find a article from the Guardian on this episode of the show here:


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